Teaching Library

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2024 Program Agenda

*Presentations are in the order in which they appeared on the Program Agenda

Monday, March 25th, 2024:

Tuesday, March 26th, 2024:

2022 Webinar Recordings

2022 Webinar PowerPoints

PRP: Factual, Futile or Just Fancy:

  • 2017 Program Agenda 2016 [here]
  • AFFELN_Two cases – bad + globe MRI [Repaired] [here]
  • AFFELN_Two cases – good [here]
  • COMEAU_Concussion [here]
  • CREEVY_Clavicle Fractures May 2016 CREEVY final [here]
  • CURTIS_2015 POST OP SHOULDER REVISIOnS – Curtis [here]
  • DAVIDOFF_Neuropsychological Assessment [here]
  • DENT_CRPS 10 minute talk [here]
  • DENT_Functional Diagnostics 10 minute talk [here]
  • DYLESKI NAJJAR_Medical Marijuana [here]
  • FELIZ_Cervical disc nonoperative options [here]
  • HARTER & DOYLE_Marijuana Program [here]
  • HASHIMOTO_CTE – Hashimoto [here]
  • HASHIMOTO_opioids in Mass. (1) [here]
  • HERNANDEZ – Legal Process for MA WC [here]
  • HERNANDEZ_Post Lump Sum Opioid Diversion Pathway [here]
  • KELLEY_case managment by state [here]
  • KELLEY_Claims Processing Workshop [here]
  • LARSEN_EMR Work Injuries 2016 [here]
  • LATTUCA_The Basic Science of PT [here]
  • LI_Management of ACL Injuries – Workers Comp Course – April 2016 [here]
  • MILLER_Cartilage Injuries_V2 [here]
  • MORNEAU_FCE and COG FCE [here]
  • MOSTOUFI_whiplash [Compatibility Mode] [here]
  • MUZIN_RotatorCuff2016Lecture [here]
  • PERLOFF_Epidural & Facet Blocks [Compatibility Mode] [here]
  • READY_Case discussion [here]
  • SCHEPSIS_Patellar Dislocations workplace [here]
  • STEIN_TendonInjuries [here]
  • TANNOURY_CHADI_Lower Back Pain.DD [here]
  • TANNOURY_CHADI_Neck.Surgical.Options [here]
  • TANNOURY_TONY_2016 Cervical case [Compatibility Mode] [here]
  • VAYNBERG_Pain Mgmt [here]
  • WRIGHT_OTdistinctvalueinhand [here]
  • WRIGHT_What is OT [here]
  • DHANABALAN_Medical Marijuana [here]
  • ADAMO_Dissection and Analysis [here]
  • ADAMO_Essentials of First Encounter [here]
  • GILLMAN_Chiropractic medicine [Compatibility Mode] [here]
  • GLENN_Mild TBI_Work Related Injuries [Compatibility Mode] [here]
  • HERNANDEZ_Basic Overview [here]
  • KELLEY_Denials [here]
  • KELLEY_ime v second opinion [here]
  • LI_Discussion Case – Panel [here]
  • LI_Shoulder Injuries [here]
  • MATTIE_Principles of PT [here]
  • MUZIN_ShoulderLecture [here]
  • NEELON_UR Slides [here]
  • READY_Pre-Exisitng Conditions [here]
  • READY_Pre-Exisitng Conditions [here]
  • SABBATH_ACA [here]
  • SABBATH_nurses and injuries [here]
  • SAPER_Yoga & Meditation_for posting [here]
  • SEGREVE_Vocational Rehabilitation [here]
  • SHOULDER_ShoulderCase [here]
  • TANNOURY C_Neck.Inj.Anatomy.Terminology [here]
  • TANNOURY C_Pain.Generators.WCmeeting.2015 [here]
  • WINTERS_Causality Determination [here]
  • WINTERS_Critical Determ of Outcome Orient Best Practice [here]
  • WINTERS_Opioid [here]
  • Workshop program agenda [here]
For the workshops on Work-Related Injuries: New Challenges & New Solutions:

  • Download the course brochure [here]
  • Download the course agenda [here]
  • Burress — Outcomes [here]
  • Burress –Shoulder Injuries [here]
  • Burress — Work Status Recommendations [here]
  • Castorina — Medical Care LowerComp [here]
  • Burke — ACOS [here]
  • Delmuto — FutureComp [here]
  • Fanciullo — Opioid Work Related Injuries [here]
  • Fanciullo — Rational Opioid Management [here]
  • Fanciullo — WorkComp [here]
  • Feliz – Can Opioids TOLERANCE be Prevented? [here]
  • Feliz — Pain Management Centers [here]
  • Hashimoto — MA Workers Comp System [here]
  • Huyck — Tannoury Case Set 1 [here]
  • Huyck — Tannoury Case Set 2 [here]
  • Huyck — Tannoury Case Set 3 [here]
  • Kelley — Financial Implications of Chronic Pain [here]
  • Kelley — Response to Delayed Recovery [here]
  • Magnus — Work Related Injuries Course [here]
  • Miller — Presentation [here]
  • Powell — Work Related Injuries Course [here]
  • Ready — Causation Analysis [here]
  • Schepsis — Work Related Injuries [here]
  • Shor — Innovations That Will Matter [here]
  • Shor — ObamaCare [here]
  • Shor — Rehabing the Injured Worker [here]
  • Silva — Work Related Injuries Course [here]
  • Simpson — Surgery Pro VTE [here]
  • Stone — NH WC Overview [here]
  • Tannoury — MIS Disruptive Concept [here]
  • Tannoury — Patient Doctor Bonding [here]
  • Tannoury — MIS Impact on Work Injuries [here]
  • Tromanhauser — Medical Documentation [here]
  • Tromanhauser — WC Different For Injured [here]
  • Winters — Essentials of the First Encounter [here]

For the Challenges of Musculoskeletal Therapy & Rehabilitation:

  • Download the course brochure [here]
  • Download the course agenda [here]
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